Life is Like a Flowchart

Which Way Will You Go?

Life is like a flowchart. Say what??? Now stay with me. I know, the first thing you think when you hear flow chart IS NOT your life. BUT I do believe when it comes to making a change in our lives or reaching for a goal, you can look at it like a flowchart. Just like a flowchart, life isn’t linear. We weave and maneuver, take steps forward, sometimes steps back, take sharp turns and even U turns.

The most important piece, however, is to take a step. What happens if you don’t take a step? You stay Exactly. Where. You Are.

Does that mean you are stuck on that one path forever? Absolutely not! YOU are in control of your journey. You can always take a step in a different direction. 

I bet you wouldn’t be here reading this now if you weren’t ready for a change. I know in your heart of hearts you are done with staying in square one of your life flowchart and not making a change – so it’s up to you. Which first step do you want to take?

Tips for taking the first step:

1.       In preparation to take your first step, identify your why.  Why is this path so important to you?  You will be much better prepared and invested in your journey if you first identify your why.  Want to learn more about finding your why? Read my blog post on figuring out your why here?

2.       Embrace the discomfort.  If you feel those nerves kicking in and some self-doubt, know you are on the right path.  Making a change, even if it is one we are so excited for, can create all sorts of emotions even ones you wouldn’t expect.  Know that is normal and you are not alone.  The difference between those who follow through on their journey and those that stay in square one of your flowchart is acknowledging your discomfort and making a move anyway.

3.       Have a partner in crime.  You don’t have to do it alone.  Yes, this is your own personal path and journey but that doesn’t mean you have to go about it by yourself.  If you don’t have someone in your corner, that will be your cheerleader, listen to you, support you, then know that Blissfully Whole with Kelly is here right by your side to be your partner in crime.

 *Don’t forget that I am here with you to cheer you on and to hold you accountable…because we all need someone or something to support us.


It’s Time To… Re-evaluate


Surrender…it’s a beautiful thing