If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living.”

— Gail Sheehy

Overcoming Overwhelm:  90 Days to Reclaim Control and Energize Your Life

A 90 day coaching program for women ready to reclaim control and energize their life.


  • You always put others' needs first, leaving you feeling tired and pressed for time

  • You are burned out and don’t have energy to workout or make dinner or do the things you want to do

  • You have a hard time sleeping at night because your mind is always racing with everything you have to get done not knowing how you will fit it all in

  • You wake up in the morning thinking “today is going to be different” only to end up making the same choices as yesterday, playing catch up with your schedule, and completely drained by the afternoon

  • YOU ARE READY to finally get off of the hamster wheel of feeling overwhelmed and stuck


  • You are constantly exhausted because your to do list keeps growing and you feel there is never enough time to get everything done

  • You set goals but never follow through

  • You talk yourself out of what you really want

  • You worry about everyone else’s happiness at the expense of your own happiness

  • You feel frustrated and defeated because you want to make a change in your life but don’t know how or where to start


  • You had a clear idea of what exactly you need in this moment to step out of feeling overwhelmed AND a path towards feeling energized, excited about life, and having more “me” time

  • Your schedule opened up so you could read that book, paint that picture, go for that hike, take that class, or do that thing you always talk about doing

  • You felt confident in your own skin and set boundaries that supported how you want to feel

  • You knew exactly who YOU are, what you NEED, and what you WANT for YOUR LIFE

  • You felt in control of YOUR life instead of just trying to keep your head above water

“If you have areas in your life you want to improve on or change, START! Go in with an open mind and let the discussions and information you get from Kelly guide you on living your best life.”

— Erin L., Client


  • You get all the things that you need to get done in the day but always put your needs on the back burner

  • You struggle finding time to spend with friends and family 

  • You start a goal only to lose motivation and give up

  • You keep doing the same thing every day, expecting different results

  • You are ready to discover what you really want next for your life

  • You want to learn tools that will help you start your journey to feeling confident and in control of your life

  • You are ready to show up differently for yourself


  • Ready to wake up in the morning energized for the day

  • Ready to break free from feeling stuck in the same place and set goals that inspire you

  • Ready to feel less stressed and more at peace in your life

  • Ready to prioritize what’s most important to you without feeling guilty

  • Ready to feel confident in who YOU are and the choices you make

Then I invite you to join me in this 90 day 1:1 coaching program journey! 

As women we should not be boxed into a “one size fits all” for anything in our life.  We are unique, talented, and multi-faceted with each one of us having a different journey and this coaching program is no different.  This program meets YOU where YOU’RE at.  

In this program I will help you:

  • Identify what areas in your life are causing you the most overwhelm and what areas are supporting you.

  • Get clear on your current thoughts and beliefs so you can discover which thoughts and beliefs no longer align with the life you want and what you can do about them.

  • Discover what you really want next for your life.

  • Create and start working on your goal to start you on your path to living the life you want.


Pillar 1:  Your Day 1:  Defining Your Current State

Pillar 2:  Your Path:  Get Clear on Your Future You

Pillar 3:  Your Goal:  Taking Your First Steps on Your Path


  • 1- 90 minute 1:1 kick-off call (to be scheduled within one week of joining)

  • 6 - 60 minute 1:1 calls scheduled every other week after the kick-off call to help you work through each Pillar

  • Worksheets designed to help you get clear on your needs and plan a path forward

  • Voxer and Email support between calls 


  • Mindset

  • Knowing Your Why

  • Goal Setting

  • Motivation

  • Self-Doubt

  • Power of Celebrating

  • And more!

In just 90 days…

  • You’ll know exactly what you want next for your life and the steps to start you on your journey

  • You’ll go from feeling burned out to feeling energized

  • You’ll know how to tackle any overwhelm head so you can feel inspired and not drained

  • You’ll gain the confidence to make decisions that align with the life you want

“I am beyond grateful and blessed to have had Kelly go through this journey with me. I have often sat back and looked at situations and think of Kelly. Then I remember the tools that I was given and I am able to work through it. Kelly is an inspiration, mentor and is AMAZING. She has taught me life lessons and I feel like I am a better person.”

— Trina P., Client


It is my mission to empower women to rediscover what ignites their soul and take action so they can live their fullest life.

Trust me.  I’ve been there.  I know what it’s like to say yes to everyone else’s needs while feeling like your life is passing you by.  I know what it’s like to daydream about what life could look like, all the while thinking it’s impossible.  I know what it’s like to achieve “success” but still feel incomplete and stuck, like there has to be something more for me, and not know how to make a change.  

I have studied and practiced various forms of self-care, studied people and their actions and their words, and other coaches and various coaching principles. With all of my experiences and lessons learned, I have turned them into a coaching program to help you!  You don’t just deserve to live a life away from overwhelm, a life feeling confident and in control, but it is your absolute birthright.  You got this!