Who’s Your Support Posse?

Have you ever heard the term “support posse”?  Probably not because I think I may have made it up this week BUT let’s get this term out there!  😊

What do I mean by “support posse”?  Your support posse are those people who you surround yourself with that don’t just support you and your journey but they too are on a journey to better themselves.  They may be one or two steps ahead of where you’re at on your journey and they encourage you to stretch yourself and live the life you deserve.

Now your support posse may or may not be your friends or your family.  It may be people you follow online who you connect with their energy and characteristics.  You gotta start somewhere!

Having a support posse makes us feel not alone as we reach for our dreams!  YOU DO NOT NEED TO GO ON YOUR SELF-CARE JOURNEY ALONE!  I would actually take that one step further and say, you SHOULDN’T go on your self-care journey alone.

We are not meant to go through this life alone and isolated.  Community is one of the foundations of longevity so if you don’t have a support posse, start looking around to see where you could begin.  (Ahem….don’t look too far because I am all game for being part of your support posse!)

You got this!




The Thing About Boundaries…